Intro to Bladesmithing Forged Chef's Knife- April 5th & 6th 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

Intro to Bladesmithing Forged Chef's Knife- April 5th & 6th 9:00 AM-5:00 PM


In this two day workshop, you will make a 6 - 7” wa-handled chef's knife using a variety of techniques. Starting with a billet of 1080 high carbon steel, you will learn to design, then forge your knife to shape. After forging, we will thermal cycle our blades, followed by some profile grinding, and roughing in our bevels. Finally, we will finish day one by hardening and tempering our knives. In day two we will do all of our final grinding, and finishing, and finally fit our handles to the tangs, followed by sharpening our knives. Come prepared to work hard, and have a great time!

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